WhatsApp new added feature, the Touch ID feature has made the WhatsApp security much more better and secure. Touch ID has been available on WhatsApp messenger for a while now, but only iOS users have been able to enjoy this feature.
Currently, I’m not sure that the Touch ID feature is available for Android users, but if the feature is available on your device, you can try follow this procedure and try to enable the Touch ID feature on your WhatsApp messenger app.
How to enable WhatsApp Touch ID
- Make sure Whatsapp on your device is updated to the latest version from the App Store.
- After updating, open Whatsapp.
- Go to settings.
- Select Account.
- Select Privacy.
- Under Privacy, you will see ‘Screen Lock’. Inside this option, enable the toggle for ‘Require TouchID‘ (or ‘Require FaceID’ depending on your device).