How to Stop Strangers From Adding You to WhatsApp Group Without Your Authorization

WhatsApp group is a great place to get connected with all your friends, business partners, followers and also make a new friend from and many others important.

We all know how WhatsApp is important in our business and is the most used and popular instant messaging app these days, all around the world, because of this and many other reasons, its developer always keep updating it with cool features for their user’s satisfaction.

One of the recent features added this year was one that allows a user to manage who can add him/her to a new WhatsApp group. Unlike before that people keep adding you to unwanted WhatsApp group without your permission or notifying you, which most users find it so annoying. But now, I am glad to tell you can finally determine your privacy and choose if you want to be in a group or not.

How to Stop/Prevent Someone from adding to WhatsApp Group Without your Authorization

 Now to enable this features that allow you to prevent or stop someone from adding you to WhatsApp group without your permission. Firstly, kindly update your WhatsApp to the latest version. In case you are using the updated version; you can follow the steps below for easy access.

Open your WhatsApp app and go to "Settings->> Account ->> Privacy"

Now select the option “Groups”. You can now choose your preferred option among the three option.

Everyone: this implies that everyone can add you to a new group without your permission, including those who are not present on your contact list.

My contacts: this option allows only your contact to add you to any group without invitation link.

Nobody: Once you choose this option, you will be notified with an invitation link, if anybody wants you to join their group.

With the above steps, you can stop strangers/friends or anyone from adding you to a new WhatsApp group without blocking.

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